Building Wire
Kabel Building Wire adalah kabel yang membawa arus listrik dari sumber listrik ke perangkat di gedung, seperti stopkontak atau lampu. Biasa digunakan untuk instalasi penerangan ruangan, jalan, area parkir, pemasangan peralatan keamanan, pendingin ruangan, serta instalasi peralatan elektronik lainnya di gedung komersial, industrial, serta residensial. Kabel Building Wire Kabelindo, yang terbuat dari bahan selubung PVC dan konduktor yang kokoh dan fleksibel, mampu melayani semua kebutuhan ini, dan dapat mensuplai listrik secara terus menerus. Aman terhadap gangguan fisik, cuaca, dan bahkan tahan lama dalam pemasangan, baik di dalam, dan di luar gedung. Ragam Produk Bulding Wire : NYM, NYA, NYY, NYRGbY, NYMHY. Building Wire Kabelindo telah sesuai dengan standar SNI dan IEC, serta standar Internasional lainnya.
Low Voltage Power Cable
Kabel Listrik Tegangan Rendah atau Low Voltage (LV) adalah kabel yang mampu mengalirkan aliran listrik dengan tegangan berkisar antara 50 – 1.200 volt. Kabel LV meliputi building wire, kabel kontrol, dan kabel instrumen. Kabel LV Kabelindo dibuat dalam berbagai ukuran dan konstruksi sesuai dengan aplikasi kebutuhan pemasangan. Untuk isolasi kabel, Kabelindo umumnya menggunakan PVC, PE atau XLPE. Kabelindo juga dapat mengakomodasi penggunaan bahan khusus untuk kabel khusus (seperti kabel tahan panas, tahan bahan kimia atau minyak, atau tahan serangga atau hewan pengerat kabel) atas permintaan klien. Ragam Produk LV : NYBY, NYCY, NYFGbY, NYM, NYRGbY, NYSY, NYY. Kabel LV Kabelindo telah memenuhi standar SNI, IEC dan standar internasional lainnya.
Medium Voltage Power Cable
Kabel Listrik Tegangan Menengah atau Medium Voltage (MV) adalah kabel yang mampu mengalirkan aliran listrik dengan tegangan berkisar antara 1.000 – 36.000 volt. Untuk isolasi kabel, Kabelindo umumnya menggunakan XLPE. Kabelindo juga dapat mengakomodasi penggunaan bahan khusus untuk kabel khusus (seperti kabel tahan panas, tahan bahan kimia atau minyak, atau tahan serangga atau hewan pengerat kabel) atas permintaan klien. Ragam Produk MV : CCSXT, NFA2XSY-T. Kabel MV Kabelindo telah memenuhi standar IEC dan standar internasional lainnya.
Bare Conductor
Bare Conductor adalah kawat tanpa lapisan isolasi di luar konduktor yang biasa digunakan untuk grounding, penangkal petir dan pengamanan instalasi listrik. Bare Conductor memiliki beberapa ukuran luas penghantar dari mulai ukuran 4 mm2 sampai dengan 300 mm2. Ragam Produk Bare Conductor : AAC, AAAC, ACSR, ACSR/AS, TACSR, ACCC/TW. Bare Conductor Kabelindo telah memenuhi persyaratan SPLN, ASTM, JIS dan standar internasional lainnya.
Special Cable
Kabel Spesial atau Special Cable umumnya digunakan untuk instalasi industri, seperti pembangkit listrik, pabrik minyak & petrokimia, gedung bertingkat, underground mass transit systems dan connection control networks. Untuk isolasi Special Cable, Kabelindo menggunakan bahan khusus seperti Low Smoke Zero Halogen – LSZH, PVC FR – Fire Resistant dan XLPE. Special Cable Kabelindo telah memenuhi standar IEC dan standar internasional lainnya.

Building Wire
The construction of high-rise buildings, offices, public area buildings, and business areas, requires the installation of room lighting, street lighting, parking areas, and installation of security equipment, air conditioning, and even other electronic equipment.
Kabelindo’s Building Wire cable, which is made of PVC sheath material, and solid and flexible conductors, capable of serving all these needs, and it can supply electricity continuously. It is safe against physical disturbances, weather, and even durable in installation, both inside, and outside the building.
Kabelindo’s Building Wire conforms to IEC, and other International standards.

Low Voltage Power Cable
Our production of low voltage power cables includes building cables, control cables and instrument cables. our cables come in varying diameters and constructions to suply in low voltage applications. For cable insulation, we usually use PVC, PE OR XLPE. However, we can accommodate special materials for specialty cables (such as heat resistant cables, chemical or oil proof, or insect or rodent-resistant cables) upon the client’s request. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards.

Medium Voltage Power Cable
Our production of medium power cables includes the use both of copper, aluminium conductors. Our medium power cables come in varying diameters and rated voltages up to 33 kv to supply variuos of medium voltage applications. For cable insulation, we usually use XLPE for medium voltage application . However, we can accommodate special materials for specialty cables (such as heat resistant cables, chemical or oil proof, or insect or rodent-resistant cables) upon the client’s request. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards

Bare Conductor
Copper or Aluminium wires the same nominal diameter are twisted together in concentric layers, when conductor consists of more than one layer, alternate layers are twisted in opposite directions which is defined as right hand lay or left hand lay. Twisted cables are low voltage cables applied for low voltage network and service entrance cable on the customer.Two type are known as twisted cable with neutral messenger (NFA2X-T), and the other type are twisted cables with self support and service entrance (NFA2X and NF2X). These cable are insulated using Extruded Black Polyethylene (XLPE). The conductor has mechanic characteristic and electrical characteristic (resistivity). Our cables conform to SPLN , JIS and other international standards.

Special Cable
Our special cables is specially designed for industrial installation such as power stations, oil and petrochemical plant, high-rise buildings, mass transit underground passenger systems and control connection networks. For special cables insulation, we use special materials such as Low Smoke Zero Halogen – LSZH, PVC FR – Fire Resistant, XLPE. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards.
Building Wire
Kabelindo’s Building Wire cable, which is made of PVC sheath material, and solid and flexible conductors, capable of serving all these needs, and it can supply electricity continuously. It is safe against physical disturbances, weather, and even durable in installation, both inside, and outside the building.
Kabelindo’s Building Wire conforms to IEC, and other International standards.
Low Voltage Power Cable
Our production of low voltage power cables includes building cables, control cables and instrument cables. our cables come in varying diameters and constructions to suply in low voltage applications. For cable insulation, we usually use PVC, PE OR XLPE. However, we can accommodate special materials for specialty cables (such as heat resistant cables, chemical or oil proof, or insect or rodent-resistant cables) upon the client’s request. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards.
Medium Voltage Power Cable
Our production of medium power cables includes the use both of copper, aluminium conductors. Our medium power cables come in varying diameters and rated voltages up to 33 kv to supply variuos of medium voltage applications. For cable insulation, we usually use XLPE for medium voltage application . However, we can accommodate special materials for specialty cables (such as heat resistant cables, chemical or oil proof, or insect or rodent-resistant cables) upon the client’s request. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards
Bare Conductor
Copper or Aluminium wires the same nominal diameter are twisted together in concentric layers, when conductor consists of more than one layer, alternate layers are twisted in opposite directions which is defined as right hand lay or left hand lay. Twisted cables are low voltage cables applied for low voltage network and service entrance cable on the customer.Two type are known as twisted cable with neutral messenger (NFA2X-T), and the other type are twisted cables with self support and service entrance (NFA2X and NF2X). These cable are insulated using Extruded Black Polyethylene (XLPE). The conductor has mechanic characteristic and electrical characteristic (resistivity). Our cables conform to SPLN , JIS and other international standards.
Special Cable
Our special cables is specially designed for industrial installation such as power stations, oil and petrochemical plant, high-rise buildings, mass transit underground passenger systems and control connection networks. For special cables insulation, we use special materials such as Low Smoke Zero Halogen – LSZH, PVC FR – Fire Resistant, XLPE. Our cables conform to IEC and other international standards.