Public-Listed Company
Plant and Product Development
Vision and Mission
To make KABELINDO an excellent strategic partner in the electrical and telecommunications industry with products based on international rates.
To design and produce quality cable to support the development of the electrical and telecommunications industry, thereby achieving optimal customer satisfaction by considering safety, wellbeing and environmental aspects as well as the handling of risks and opportunities.
To provide human resources with integrity and competency as a key factor to operate efficiently and productively.
To achieve company net profit and maintain positive cash flow.
Every Kabelindo personnel always thinks positively in delivering or receiving any information, suggestions and criticism as well as seeks correct and effective two-ways communication for the common advantage and benefits.
In life human beings shall grow together and complement each other. Every Kabelindo personnel interacting with each other shall uphold the dignity, prestige, solidarity, and mutual respect, while assisting each other at work.
In implementing the work, every Kabelindo personnel must be with good faith, hearty, sincere, honest, responsible, respectful, and dedicated to the company, follow employees, shareholders, and society, as well as respecting the customers and the business partners.
Added Value
Every Kabelindo personnel always thinks positively in delivering or receiving any information, suggestions and criticism as well as seeks correct and effective two-ways communication for the common advantage and benefits.
Board of Commisioners
President Commissioner
Surya Soepono
Prof. Dr. Ir. Dewa Nyoman Adnyana
Independent Commissioner
Prof. Dr. Irawan Soerodjo, S.H., M.Si.
Independent Commissioner
Board of Directors
Elly Soepono
Veronica Lukman
Petrus Nugroho
Andika S. Wongkar